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Construction Loan 

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Our Construction Loan Program offers two-time mortgage closing; the Construction Mortgage while your house is being built with interest only payments, and then once your house is complete, the End Mortgage loan with payments based on the permanent terms and interest rate.

Two Time Closing:

1. Construction Mortgage

  • 90% project cost financing
  • Term: up to 12 months
  • Rate: Prime + 1.25% (locked in at time of application)
  • Interest only payments made to Health Advantage Credit Union

2. End Mortgage

  • Permanent Fixed Rate Mortgage

Questions? Contact Amy by text 989.399.9661, by phone 989.921.1420, or by visiting our State St Location

Apply for a Construction Loan

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Mortgage Company or Individual NMLS ID
Health Advantage Federal Credit Union 1059402
Amy 162294
Bethany 2471984
Briana 1465871
Brooke 1063539
Chris 1860654
Ericka 427417
Jodi 1389671
Lauren 2471728
Lucinda 1425782

Verify a Mortgage Company or Individual is authorized to conduct business in Michigan

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