Credit Union Night with the Saginaw Spirit is on February 15th! Get your tickets today.

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Loan Insurance Options

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When you buy a new or used vehicle, there's no way to know if it will be stolen or totaled in an accident.  With MEMBER'S CHOICE Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP), you're helping protect your investment and yourself against possible financial loss.  To Enroll in Guaranteed Asset Protection contact a the credit union by phone 989.791.7070 x3501, text 989-399-9661, or email

Payment Protection

There's no way you can predict a total disability due to a covered injury, illness, or your unexpected death, but you can take steps along the way to help ensure your family is provided for if the unforeseen were to happen.  MEMBER'S CHOICE Credit Disability and Credit Life Insurance may help pay for your loan payments in these instances, so you or your loved ones don't have to.
Credit Disability - Makes loan payment(s) up to the policy maximum in the event of total disability caused by covered injury or illness.
Credit Life - Pays off or reduces the eligible loan balance up to the policy limits should you die.

Enroll in Credit Disability and Credit Life Insurance, underwritten by CMFG Life Insurance Company today.

Receive a FREE quote on GAP, credit life and disability coverage

Loan Collateral Insurance

If you have received a request to provide your current policy declarations page for loan collateral you can do so by using one of the following methods:

UPLOAD your Loan Insurance

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MAIL:    Health Advantage FCU
               Insurance Tracking Center
               PO Box 924618
               Fort Worth, TX  76124


(Insurance products sold through the credit union are not insured by the National Credit Union Administration and are not Issued, guaranteed or underwritten by the credit union or the National Credit Union Administration or any other federal government agency; and there is no requirement or obligation to purchase insurance from the credit union or any subsidiary, affiliate, or particular unaffiliated third party as a condition to obtaining a loan, and a decision as to insurance agents will not affect the credit terms in any way. the credit union may not condition an extension of credit on an agreement not to obtain, or prohibition on an applicant from obtaining an insurance product or annuity from an unaffiliated entity.)

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